Canal Boat Video Instructions etc

As you step into our yard, we understand the wealth of information awaiting your attention, from charting your route to mastering practical tasks like operating the cooker or tying knots. To smooth this transition, we’ve handpicked a series of canal boat video instructions (videos below), tailored to familiarise you with our services and the waterways.

For your convenience, our hot water system ingeniously links to the boat’s engine. Seamlessly integrated into the cooling system and connected to a calorifier tank reminiscent of those in residential homes, this setup ensures that a simple engine start-up can furnish you with ample hot water within 10 to 15 minutes, perfect for your morning refreshment.

A common inquiry we receive is regarding the whereabouts of the table. Rest assured, each boat comes equipped with a table, typically stowed beneath seating or against a wall. Additionally, our canal boats feature an onboard manual replete with invaluable information, including maps for locating rubbish disposal areas or water points.

Please be aware that specific boats, including Angela, Mino, Ginette, Patricia, Alice, Agnes, Frances, and Martha, are suitable for navigating Froghall tunnel. Unfortunately, vessels such as Lillian, Elinor, Olivia, Carey, Emily, and Maria cannot traverse the tunnel due to their chimneys or balanced flues, which exceed the tunnel clearance.

For further resources, we provide downloadable information on our homepage, conveniently situated at the page’s bottom. Don’t forget to explore our popular routes page for deeper insights into your canal adventure.

Follow the link for some more info on boating,

Gas Bottles


TV Tuning

Table Assembly


Heating System



single beds to a double bed

Daily Engine Checks

Starting Stopping

Weed Hatch


Hand Over Video

Lock Paddles

Simple knot

Passing & Cruising Speed

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